Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Gold Mineral Resources (Inclusive of Mineral Reserves) w vie Measured (M) Indicated (I) (M)+(I) Inferred er Tonnes Grade Contained Tonnes Grade Contained Contained Tonnes Grade Contained v Notes 000s g/t 000 oz 000s g/t 000 oz 000 oz 000s g/t 000 oz O South America Candelaria 3,4 826,839 0.13 3,373 405,558 0.15 1,963 5,336 149,583 0.10 484 Antapaccay 5 306,000 0.08 787 937,000 0.08 2,292 3,079 120,000 0.05 193 Condestable 6 32,975 0.24 255 55,438 0.24 426 688 60,489 0.24 479 Sossego 1,7 164,100 0.12 638 236,800 0.12 950 1,589 21,700 0.10 70 Cerro Moro 1,8 542 7.98 139 2,144 6.31 435 574 1,488 4.73 226 Salares Norte 9 — — — 26,424 4.63 3,933 3,933 2,649 1.67 142 Cascabel (Alpala) 10 1,209,800 0.39 15,090 1,980,700 0.15 9,660 24,850 649,100 0.12 2,520 Tocantinzinho 11 17,609 1.49 841 30,505 1.29 1,261 2,102 1,580 0.99 50 Posse (Mara Rosa) 12 14,000 1.20 510 19,000 1.10 640 1,200 100 0.60 2 Taca Taca 13 421,500 0.14 1,853 1,781,800 0.07 4,200 6,052 716,900 0.05 1,183 CentroGold (Gurupi) 14 — — — 29,200 1.82 1,705 1,705 10,400 1.71 572 Calcatreu 15 — — — 9,841 2.11 669 669 8,078 1.34 348 San Jorge 16 79,518 0.22 584 104,091 0.19 626 1,211 11,235 0.16 59 Volcan 17 105,918 0.74 2,513 283,763 0.70 6,368 8,881 41,553 0.50 671 etals Central America and Mexico Cobre Panama 18 177,300 0.13 741 3,294,300 0.06 6,418 7,159 1,090,400 0.04 1,296 Guadalupe-Palmarejo 1,2,19 7,358 2.15 508 27,962 1.80 1,619 2,127 5,110 2.31 380 ecious M United States r P Carlin Trend 20 86,179 4.69 13,008 243,902 2.35 17,886 30,894 118,699 2.34 8,943 Marigold 1,21 — — — 319,100 0.49 5,004 5,004 21,800 0.36 252 Bald Mountain 1,22 8,381 0.70 190 276,664 0.50 4,163 4,353 50,064 0.30 522 Mesquite 1,23 115 0.81 3 135,174 0.43 1,852 1,855 84,030 0.34 912 Castle Mountain 1,24 85,691 0.55 1,515 246,442 0.52 4,123 5,638 69,890 0.63 1,422 Fire Creek/Midas 1,2,25 2 17.14 1 171 16.60 91 92 69,474 1.43 3,185 Hollister 1,2,26 16 19.05 10 64 19.59 40 51 582 14.58 273 Stibnite Gold 27 — — — 148,160 1.33 6,320 6,320 52,128 0.96 1,611 Sandman 28 — — — 18,550 0.73 433 433 3,246 0.58 61 Robinson 29 317,942 0.18 1,840 40,173 0.15 194 2,072 11,942 0.18 69 Mountain View 30 — — — — — — — 23,200 0.57 427 Canada Detour Lake 1,31 138,483 1.03 4,567 1,440,616 0.74 34,071 38,638 58,317 0.62 1,156 Sudbury 32 not available not available not available ssets Hemlo 33 720 5.11 120 52,000 2.09 3,500 3,600 5,400 3.30 580 Brucejack 34 4,300 8.00 1,100 18,100 10.70 6,200 7,200 9,400 10.30 3,100 Kirkland Lake 1,35 407 12.07 158 20,575 5.46 3,612 3,770 22,291 4.43 3,175 Dublin Gulch (Eagle) 36 35,000 0.62 705 198,000 0.57 3,596 4,304 30,000 0.52 497 ersified A Musselwhite 1,37 4,700 5.03 760 9,600 5.35 1,650 2,410 3,000 4.15 410 iv Timmins West 1,38 1,770 3.13 178 5,139 3.01 497 675 174 4.36 24 D Canadian Malartic 1,39 51,604 0.70 1,158 102,580 2.17 7,156 8,314 37,986 2.27 2,772 Island Gold 1,40 854 8.81 242 4,648 10.12 1,513 1,755 8,066 13.61 3,529 Golden Highway – Holt Complex 1,41 5,806 4.29 800 5,884 4.75 898 1,699 9,097 4.48 1,310 Golden Highway – Hislop 1,42 — — — 1,337 4.00 173 173 804 3.80 97 Golden Highway – Aquarius 1,43 — — — 23,112 1.49 1,106 1,106 502 0.87 14 Magino 44 43,558 0.98 1,367 88,849 0.93 2,652 4,019 20,919 0.78 526 Greenstone 1,45 5,623 1.28 232 145,463 1.45 6,775 7,007 24,948 3.83 3,072 Valentine Gold 46 29,230 2.19 2,060 35,400 1.67 1,900 3,960 20,750 1.65 1,100 Eskay Creek 47 22,521 3.58 2,590 25,274 1.82 1,477 4,067 3,750 1.47 177 Red Lake (McFinley) 48 — — — 2,100 4.63 317 317 1,800 3.84 220 eseses Courageous Lake 49 13,401 2.53 1,100 93,914 2.28 6,900 8,000 53,587 2.26 3,900 vvv Goldfields 50 — — — 23,200 1.31 980 980 7,100 0.92 211 eseresereser Monument Bay 51 — — — 36,581 1.52 1,787 1,787 41,946 1.32 1,781 al Ral Ral R Red Mountain 52 1,920 8.81 544 1,271 5.85 239 783 405 5.32 69 Fenelon-Martiniere 53 — — — 30,702 3.09 3,054 3,054 24,680 2.96 2,351 inerineriner Spences Bridge (Shovelnose) 54 — — — 10,592 2.32 791 791 9,177 0.89 263 Australia Duketon 55 26,000 0.83 690 108,000 0.99 3,430 4,120 34,000 0.94 1,030 es and Mes and Mes and MMatilda (Wiluna) 56 1,430 1.24 57 57,100 1.91 3,495 3,552 19,900 3.09 1,978 ccc South Kalgoorlie 57 2,799 2.91 262 12,136 3.03 1,183 1,445 10,116 3.25 1,058 esouresouresourYandal (Bronzewing) 58 17,821 1.60 914 57,614 1.60 2,995 3,909 8,878 1.60 459 Aphrodite 59 — — — 17,614 2.05 1,163 1,163 7,892 1.97 500 al Ral Ral R Red October 60 105 8.00 27 483 5.67 88 116 2,287 7.54 555 Henty 61 — — — 1,800 4.50 257 257 900 4.00 111 inerineriner Bullabulling 62 — — — 68,805 0.99 2,190 2,190 26,595 1.19 1,020 MMM Rebecca 63 — — — 26,000 1.20 1,000 1,000 5,700 1.00 190 Edna May 64 884 2.10 60 23,110 0.95 707 767 7,039 0.96 217 Glenburgh 65 — — — 13,500 1.00 431 431 2,800 0.90 79 Rest of World MWS 66 75,200 0.22 533 165,400 0.25 1,317 1,849 — — — Sabodala-Massawa Complex 67 22,300 1.18 843 83,800 2.04 5,490 6,333 19,900 2.16 1,380 Tasiast 1,68 63,303 1.16 2,359 89,945 1.69 4,880 7,239 18,565 2.40 1,443 Subika (Ahafo) 1,69 40,600 1.88 2,454 96,600 2.16 6,710 9,160 21,200 2.41 1,640 Karma 70 300 0.40 4 47,700 1.24 1,894 1,898 16,200 1.30 679 Edikan 71 18,200 1.06 620 37,900 1.04 1,265 1,885 5,300 1.66 283 Kiziltepe 72 600 3.01 58 698 2.33 52 110 1,180 2.09 79 Séguéla 1,73 — — — 19,171 2.61 1,611 1,611 9,154 3.26 960 Perama Hill 74 3,093 4.15 412 10,973 2.73 962 1,374 16,006 1.53 787 Aği Daği 1,75 2,516 0.74 60 104,453 0.63 2,132 2,192 19,551 0.52 330 Sissingué 76 1,300 1.34 56 1,200 1.39 55 111 100 1.10 2 Total Gold Mineral Resources* 71,488 217,421 288,987 71,464 * Total excludes New Prosperity 116116 FFrrancancoo-Nev-Nevada Cada Cororporporaationtion TTSX / NSX / NYYSE: FNVSE: FNV