Other Mining Flying Fox Location: Australia Operator: IGO Limited Metals: Ni Royalty: GR: 2% Franco-Nevada has a 2% gross royalty on the southern portion of the Flying Fox nickel mine located in the Forrestania Greenstone belt in Western Australia. Flying Fox is a high-grade underground nickel mine which has been in production since 2007. In June 2022, IGO Limited (“IGO”) became the operator of Flying Fox after completing the A$1.1 billion takeover of Western Areas Ltd. IGO’s Forrestania Nickel Project includes the Flying Fox and Spotted Quoll mines and the Cosmic Boy Concentrator. During the six months ended December 2022, IGO reported 6,139 tonnes of nickel production at Forrestania. Approximately 11% of total Forrestania production was subject to Franco-Nevada’s royalty, and Franco-Nevada received $0.5 million of royalty revenue from Flying Fox for the year. Franco-Nevada has not included Flying Fox in Royalty Ounce estimates M iner al R esour c es and M iner al R eser v es A dditional I nf orma tion TSX / NYSE: FNV Franco-Nevada Corporation 101