Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Copper Mineral Reserves Proven Probable Proven and Probable Tonnes Grade Contained Tonnes Grade Contained Tonnes Grade Contained Notes 000s % 000 oz 000s % Mlbs 000s % Mlbs Sossego 95 1,500 0.83 27 83,900 0.61 1,128 85,300 0.62 1,166 Cascabel (Alpala) 96 — — — 558,000 0.58 7,187 558,000 0.58 7,187 NuevaUnión (Relincho) 97 576,400 0.34 4,320 977,400 0.36 7,757 1,553,800 0.35 12,078 Taca Taca 98 408,300 0.59 5,295 1,350,200 0.39 11,757 1,758,500 0.44 17,052 Vizcachitas 99 302,000 0.41 2,714 918,000 0.34 6,908 1,220,000 0.36 9,623 Copper World Project 100 — — — — — — — — — Robinson 101 110,513 0.42 1,023 8,860 0.28 55 119,374 0.41 1,078 Total Copper Mineral Reserves 13,380 34,793 48,184 Nickel Mineral Resources – Inclusive of Mineral Reserves Measured (M) Indicated (I) (M)+(I) Nickel Inferred Mineral Resources Tonnes Grade Contained Tonnes Grade Contained Contained Tonnes Grade Contained Notes 000s % 000 oz 000s % 000 oz Mlbs 000s % Mlbs Falcondo 102 40,500 1.42 1,268 31,100 1.53 1,049 2,320 4,900 1.40 151 Eagle's Nest 103 5,346 2.08 245 5,643 — 187 432 10,581 0.98 228 Crawford 104 536,400 0.26 3,108 888,700 0.23 4,564 7,672 670,100 0.23 3,417 Mt Keith 105 136,600 0.54 1,622 67,000 0.52 768 2,390 24,000 0.52 275 Total Nickel Mineral Resources 6,244 6,567 12,814 4,072 Nickel Mineral Reserves Proven Probable Proven and Probable Tonnes Grade Contained Tonnes Grade Contained Tonnes Grade Contained Notes 000s % 000 oz 000s % 000 oz 000s % 000 oz Falcondo 102 44,900 1.28 1,267 26,300 1.36 789 71,200 1.31 2,056 Eagle's Nest 103 5,264 2.02 234 5,867 1.38 178 11,131 1.68 413 Crawford 104 — — — — — — — — — Mt Keith 105 67,600 0.57 847 20,000 0.55 240 87,600 0.56 1,087 Total Nickel Mineral Reserves 2,348 1,207 3,556 Chromite Mineral Resources – Inclusive of Mineral Reserves Measured (M) Indicated (I) Chromite Inferred Mineral Resources Tonnes Grade Tonnes Grade Tonnes Grade Notes 000s % Cr203 000s % Cr203 000s % Cr203 Ring of Fire* 106 140,190 32.5 52,570 29.8 54,580 30.8 Total Chromite Mineral Resources 140,190 52,570 54,580 Chromite Mineral Reserves Proven Probable Proven and Probable Tonnes Grade Tonnes Grade Tonnes Grade Notes 000s % Cr203 000s % Cr203 000s % Cr203 Ring of Fire* 106 — — — — — — Total Chromite Mineral Reserves — — — Iron Ore Mineral Resources – Inclusive of Mineral Reserves Measured (M) Indicated (I) Iron Ore Inferred Mineral Resources Tonnes Grade Tonnes Grade Tonnes Grade Notes 000s % Fe 000s % Fe 000s % Fe Vale (Northern and Southeastern System) 1,107 7,449,500 54.0 9,700,400 55.0 3,879,500 43.1 LIORC 1,108,109 826,000 39.4 1,105,000 38.6 811,000 38.0 Total Iron Ore Mineral Resources 8,275,500 10,805,400 4,690,500 Iron Ore Mineral Reserves Proven Probable Proven and Probable Tonnes Grade Tonnes Grade Tonnes Grade Notes 000s % Fe 000s % Fe 000s % Fe A Vale (Northern and Southeastern System) 107 3,163,100 60.6 5,701,800 60.5 8,864,900 60.5 dditional I LIORC 108,109 675,000 39.0 401,000 38.0 1,077,000 38.0 Total Iron Ore Mineral Reserves 3,838,100 6,102,800 9,941,900 nf * No Mineral Reserve estimate has been reported for the Ring of Fire orma tion TSX / NYSE: FNV Franco-Nevada Corporation 119

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