Additional Information Glossary w vie “A$” means Australian dollars. “diamond drill” is a type of drill in which the rock cutting “Indicated Resources” has the meaning ascribed to er v is done by abrasion, with a diamond impregnated the term “Indicated Mineral Resource” pursuant to O “Adjusted EBITDA” and “Adjusted EBITDA per share” are non-IFRS measures, which exclude the following from bit, rather than by percussion. The drill cuts a core of CIM Definitions. net income and earnings per share: income tax expense/ rock which is recovered in long cylindrical sections. “Inf” means Inferred. recovery; finance expenses and finance income; depletion Syn: “core drill”. and depreciation; non-cash costs of sales; impairment “dip” is the angle between a horizontal plane and an “Inferred Resources” has the meaning ascribed to charges related to royalty, stream and working interests inclined surface such as a rock formation, fault or vein. the term “Inferred Mineral Resource” pursuant to and investments; gains/losses on the sale of royalty, CIM Definitions. stream and working interests and investments; foreign “drift” is a horizontal passage underground that follows “JORC” means the Australasian Code for Reporting of exchange gains/losses and other income/expenses; and along the length of a vein of rock formation. Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves prepared by unusual non-recurring items. For additional information “EIS” means environmental impact statement. the Joint Ore Reserves Committee of the Australasian and a reconciliation of these measures to various IFRS “eq” or “Eq” means equivalent. Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Australian Institute measures, refer to the Company’s MD&A. of Geoscientists and Mineral Council of Australia, “Adjusted Net Income” and “Adjusted Net Income per “fault” means a fracture in a rock where there has been as amended. etals share” are non-IFRS financial measures, which exclude displacement of the two sides. “kg” represents kilogram. the following from net income and earnings per share: “Fe” means the chemical symbol for the element iron. “km” represents kilometre. impairment charges related to royalty, stream and working “feasibility study” means a comprehensive study of a 2 ecious M interests and investments; gains/losses on the sale of mineral deposit in which all geological, engineering, “km ” represents square kilometre. r royalty, stream and working interests and investments; P legal, operation, economic, social, environmental and “koz” means thousand ounces. foreign exchange gains/losses and other income/ other relevant factors are considered in sufficient detail expenses; unusual non-recurring items; and the impact of that it could reasonably serve as a basis by a financial “kt” means thousand tonnes. income taxes on these items. For additional information institution to finance the development of a deposit for “ktpd” means thousand tonnes per day and a reconciliation of these measures to various IFRS mineral production. measures, refer to the Company’s MD&A. “lb” represents pound. “Ag” means the chemical symbol for the element silver. “FH” means Freehold or Lessor Royalty. “LOM” means life of mine. “AMR” means Advanced Minimum Royalty and is rent paid “flotation” is a process by which mineral particles are “m” means metres. to the royalty holder prior to the payment of royalties on induced to become attached to bubbles and float, in an production. Once production begins, the AMR payments ore and water slurry, so that the valuable minerals are “M&I” means Measured and Indicated. are then credited in full against stream of production concentrated at the slurry surface and separated from the “Mbbls/mbbls” means thousand barrels. royalty payments. worthless gangue. ssets “fracture” means breaks in a rock, usually due to intensive “Mboe/mboe” means thousand barrels of oil equivalent. “AOI” means area of interest. folding or faulting. “Mcf/mcf” means thousand cubic feet. “Au” means the chemical symbol for the element gold. “Franco-Nevada” means Franco-Nevada Corporation “Measured Resources” has the meaning ascribed to ersified A “bbl” means barrel. Franco”, “FNV”, “the Company”, the term “Measured Mineral Resource” pursuant to iv and is also referred to as “ D “Corporation”, “management”, “we”, or “our” in this CIM Definitions. “Bbls/d” means barrels per day. Asset Handbook. “Bcf” means billion cubic feet. “mineralization” usually implies minerals of value “Freehold” means an interest n real property. occurring in rocks. “Boe” mean barrels of oil equivalent. “g” represents grams. “Mineral Royalties” means the royalty interests in “Boe/d” means barrels of oil equivalent per day. “g/t” means grams per tonne. precious and base metal properties and certain equity “CAGR” means Compounded Annual Growth Rate. interests owned by Franco-Nevada. “GR” means Gross Royalty and is a royalty based on all “Mlbs” means millions of pounds. es “CIM” means the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy revenues in cash or in-kind products received by the v eser and Petroleum. operator for the sale of product. “MMbbl” means million barrels of oil. al R “CIM Definitions” means CIM Definition Standards “grade” means the concentration of each ore metal “MMcf/mmcf” means million cubic feet. iner for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves and CIM in a rock sample, usually given as weight percent. “MMcf/d or mmcf/d” means million cubic feet per day. Estimation of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Where extremely low concentrations are involved, the Best Practice Guidelines. concentration may be given in grams per tonne (g/t) or oz “Mo” means the chemical symbol for the element es and M “concentrate” is the product of physical concentration per ton (oz/t). molybdenum. c process, such as flotation or gravity concentration, which “Guide 7” means the mining industry guide entitled “Moz” means million ounces. esour involves separating ore minerals from unwanted waste “Description of Property by Issuers Engaged or to be “Mtpa” means million tonnes per annum. al R rock. Concentrates require subsequent processing (such Engaged in Significant Mining Operations” contained in as smelting or leaching) to break down or dissolve the ore the Securities Act Industry Guides published by the United “NGLs” means Natural Gas Liquids. iner minerals and obtain the desired elements, usually metals. States Securities and Exchange Commission, as amended. “NI 43-101” means National Instrument 43-101 – M “Cu” means the chemical symbol for the element copper. “ha” means hectares; 10,000 square metres. Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects of the “cut-off grade” means the lowest grade of Mineral “heap leaching process” is the process of extracting gold Canadian Securities Administrators. Resource considered economic; used in the calculation of and silver by placing broken ore on an impermeable pad “Ni” means the chemical symbol for the element nickel. Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves in a given deposit. and applying a diluted cyanide solution that dissolves a “NPI” means Net Profit Interest: the profits after deduction portion of the contained gold and silver, which are then of expenses. recovered in metallurgical processes. tion orma nf dditional I A 132 Franco-Nevada Corporation TSX / NYSE: FNV