Additional Information Asset Counts Acreage of Assets w vie er Franco-Nevada’s assets are categorized by commodity and stage of The following is a tabulation of the acreage of Precious Metals and v O development. By commodity, assets are characterized as “Precious Metals” Diversified lands subject to Franco Nevada’s royalty, stream or other or “Diversified”. “Precious Metals” includes gold, silver and PGM assets. interests as at March 31, 2023. Acreage amounts are approximate “Diversified” includes iron ore, other mining and energy assets (which or estimated and are compiled from information contained in asset encompass oil, gas and natural gas liquids). “Producing” assets are those agreements and updated when possible using various sources including that have generated revenue from steady-state operations for Franco- government recording offices, operator information such as technical Nevada or are expected to in the next year. “Advanced” assets are interests reports, presentations and other sources. Acreage has been converted on projects which are not yet producing but where, in management’s into standard measure by Franco-Nevada. view, the technical feasibility and commercial viability of extracting a mineral resource are demonstrable. “Exploration” assets represent Franco-Nevada Acreage Tabulation(1) interests on projects where technical feasibility and commercial viability Producing Advanced Exploration Total of extracting a mineral resource are not demonstrable. Precious Metals South America 471,393 359,687 374,800 1,205,880 Management uses the following criteria in its assessment of technical Central America and Mexico 63,763 – 675 64,438 etals feasibility and commercial viability: United States 105,561 73,919 141,668 321,148 Canada 123,347 269,833 914,834 1,308,014 ecious M (i) G eology: there is a known mineral deposit which contains Mineral Australia 1,282,912 330,633 814,233 2,427,778 r Resources or Mineral Reserves; or the project is adjacent to a mineral Rest of World 1,676,132 108,965 52,863 1,837,960 P deposit that is already being mined or developed and there is Total 3,723,108 1,143,037 2,299,073 7,165,218 sufficient geologic certainty of converting the deposit into Mineral Resources or Mineral Reserves. Diversified – Iron Ore and Other Mining (ii) A ccessibility and authorization: there are no significant unresolved South America 731,714 54,516 3,136,384 3,922,614 issues impacting the accessibility and authorization to develop Central America and Mexico 6,605 59,552 – 66,157 United States 29,234 14,900 18,826 62,960 or mine the mineral deposit, and social, environmental and Canada 44,973 494 373,611 419,078 governmental permits and approvals to develop or mine the mineral Australia 173,438 51,445 950,068 1,174,951 deposit appear obtainable. Rest of World – – 265,842 265,842 Total 985,964 180,907 4,744,731 5,911,602 For accounting purposes, the number of assets has been counted in ssets different manners depending on the category. Royalties on a producing Diversified – Energy(2) or advanced property are generally counted as a single asset even if United States 2,262,147 – 53,994 2,316,141 Franco-Nevada has multiple different royalties on the property, such as Canada 615,043 – 313,552 928,595 ersified A at the Goldstrike complex. Streams covering a group of mines in close Total 2,877,190 – 367,546 3,244,736 iv proximity and operated by a common operator, such as the Sudbury D streams, have also been counted as one asset. However, royalties and streams on producing properties that have significant co-products have Total Estimated Acreage 16,321,556 been counted twice, such as the Robinson royalties for gold and copper 2 or the Sudbury streams for gold and PGM. Exploration royalties are simply Total km 66,051 counted by the number of royalty contracts and no effort has been made (1) Represents management’s best available information as at March 31, 2023. to consolidate royalties on the same property. Franco-Nevada’s energy (2) Gross Acreage. es interests are subdivided into Producing Assets, which are assets that are v currently producing oil or natural gas, or Exploration Assets, which are eser undeveloped assets that are not producing oil or natural gas. Franco- al R Nevada’s energy interests consist of a variety of working interests and iner royalty interests which are derived from a large number of underlying leases, contractual agreements and mineral title covering land positions primarily in western Canada and Oklahoma, North Dakota, Pennsylvania es and M and Texas in the United States. For accounting purposes, these leases, c contracts and mineral title have been grouped into distinct land areas esour and tabulated as individual assets. In many cases, Franco-Nevada owns al R multiple royalties or working interests that pertain to the same land area, iner and in these circumstances, the interests are counted as a single asset. M As of April 12, 2023, Franco-Nevada estimates that it holds 230 precious metals assets and 189 diversified assets for a total of 419 assets. Franco-Nevada Asset Counts at April 12, 2023 Precious Metals Diversified Total tiontiontion Producing 44 691 113 Advanced 38 7 45 ormaormaorma Exploration 148 1132 261 nfnfnf Total 230 189 419 1 14 Mining Assets / 55 Energy Assets dditional Idditional Idditional I 2 86 Mining Assets / 27 Energy Assets AAA 122122 FFrrancancoo-Nev-Nevada Cada Cororporporaationtion TTSX / NSX / NYYSE: FNVSE: FNV