Overview Environmental, Social and Governance Highlights Franco-Nevada’s 2022 environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) highlights are described in our 2023 ESG Report, which is available on our website, and are summarized below. Due diligence to invest in Financed emissions are strong ESG performers included in Scope 3 emissions Our principal ESG-related focuses when We have measured and disclosed financed making investments are highlighted in our GHG emissions attributable to our royalty and 2023 ESG Report, including health and safety, stream interests. Financed GHG emissions were carbon footprints, water management and risk, calculated in alignment with the Greenhouse tailings management and biodiversity. We have Gas Protocol reporting standards and included P r also assessed how the operators of our top as Scope 3, Category 15 (Investments) ecious M revenue-generating assets have performed emissions. In our 2023 ESG Report, we include in each of these five categories. a primer for navigating the Greenhouse Gas Continental Resources’ solar panels at West Blaine recycling Protocol standards, including what comprises etals facility, which Franco-Nevada is helping to finance Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. New climate action policy and net-zero goals and commitments We have adopted a Climate Action Policy, which sets out our goal to achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2050 at our corporate D workplaces and the measures we will take to iv further this goal, including measuring and ersified A disclosing our corporate GHG emissions, adopting science-based GHG emission ssets reduction targets, and providing annual updates on our progress. We also commit to evaluate the decarbonization commitments, plans, targets and initiatives of operators and operations, including their alignment with net-zero, when making investment decisions Enseña Peru initiative, Peru and to engage with existing partners on their Sandip Rana, Chief Financial Officer (left) and Lloyd Hong, plans and progress toward net-zero. Chief Legal Officer (right) M iner al R Increased community Focus on employee Furthered diverse esour c contributions and well-being and representation and es and M commitments accommodations diversity initiatives Our community contributions funded Maintaining a safe and supportive environment We increased the diverse representation in iner increased year-over-year, including our for our global workforce is a top priority our global workforce, with 43% of senior al R renewed Enseña Peru funding and the Alto for Franco-Nevada. Our 2023 ESG Report mangement and 60% of our overall team eser v Huarca water project, among other initiatives. highlights the efforts made by our organization comprised of diverse persons. We have also es During the year, we made new commitments to promote the physical and mental well-being expanded our Board diversity targets with with G Mining Ventures and Argonaut Gold of our employees, including providing hybrid the new goal of having, by 2025, at least one to partner in community initiatives near their work arrangements, health benefits, wellness diverse director on grounds broader than operations where we invested in 2022. We allowances, accommodations for cultural and gender diversity. The number of Franco-Nevada continue to support mining industry groups religious beliefs, and the ability to disconnect Diversity Scholarship awards were increased and diversity initiatives. when not working. in 2022 and made several diversity-related A donations and contributions, including in dditional I furtherance of our BlackNorth Initiative pledge and our support of The Prosperity Project. nf orma tion TSX / NYSE: FNV Franco-Nevada Corporation 19