Responsible Capital Allocation Community Contributions Good Governance & Shareholder Alignment Diversity, Inclusion & Well-Being Climate Action Transparency & Guiding Principles Appendices 58 ESG and Climate-Related ESG Objectives for Evaluating Management Accountability Starting in 2020, ESG was adopted as a specific corporate goal used to evaluate management’s ESG Due Diligence ESG Reporting and Compliance Contributions and Community Outreach performance for executive compensation ESG due diligence is critical in growing ESG initiatives should be adopted The Corporation should make a positive decisions, in recognition of the importance of the Corporation’s business to be responsive to shareholders impact in the local communities in which managing ESG issues, including climate-related and stakeholders its assets are located as well as locally issues, to our business and the greater emphasis on ESG that the CESGC would apply in evaluating Appropriate level of ESG due diligence Keeping the Board informed Successful execution of ESG management’s performance. On an annual was presented to the Board in connection as to ESG initiatives and effective contributions which will include basis, the CESGC will evaluate management’s with new opportunities. shareholder outreach. pro-active outreach to operators. performance in connection with ESG due Look-back basis in the event of an ESG Successful implementation Personal engagement diligence processes, reporting and compliance, issue at an existing asset to determine of Board approved ESG initiatives, many in making positive contributions community contributions, diversity and inclusion if such issue was reasonably foreseeable of which can be multi-year projects. to the local community. and ESG rankings. through due diligence. For further details as to this corporate goal and its subcomponents, please refer to the adjacent chart. Diversity and Inclusion ESG Rankings Diversity and inclusion are key ESG rankings recognize management’s components to the Corporation’s success efforts with respect to ESG Progress in the area of diversity Corporation’s ESG rankings and inclusion including in recruiting, by the major agencies followed internal promotions and disclosed by institutional shareholders. diversity goals. Management will not be evaluated for matters solely within the Board’s purview.