Responsible Capital Allocation Community Contributions Good Governance & Shareholder Alignment Diversity, Inclusion & Well-Being Climate Action Transparency & Guiding Principles Appendices 22 Industry and Other Support We provide ongoing support to several mining industry, diversity-related and other organizations and initiatives, some of which are described below. We are a proactive member of the World Gold We are the primary sponsor of the Prospectors Council (“WGC”) Board and, in 2019, Franco- & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) Nevada played a leading role at the World Gold annual awards that recognize industry successes Council during the establishment of the RGMPs, in exploration, development, safety, environmental which principles must now be implemented stewardship and aboriginal cooperation. David by all World Gold Council members. Paul Brink, Harquail, Chair of the Board of Franco-Nevada President & CEO of Franco-Nevada Corporation, Corporation, is a PDAC board member and is currently a director of the World Gold Council, Eaun Gray, Senior Vice President, Business serves on its Compensation Committee and Development of Franco-Nevada Corporation, is a member of its Gold247™ Working Group. sits on the PDAC Convention Planning Committee. Franco-Nevada team members supporting WoodGreen Community Services Since 2019, we have supported Threads of Life, In 2022, we supported Mining4Life, an initiative a Canadian charity dedicated to supporting backed by the global mining industry with the goal families after a workplace fatality, life-altering to invest in the economic and social well-being injury or occupational disease. of communities around the world by helping to create and support sustainable health and education solutions for children in need. Diversity Scholarship We have several diversity and inclusion related contributions and initiatives, including our Franco-Nevada Diversity Scholarship, our BlackNorth Initiative pledge commitments, and The Prosperity Project sponsorship. These are described on page 31 of this ESG Report. Paul Brink and Feroz Shah, the first Franco-Nevada Diversity Scholarship recipient