Responsible Capital Allocation Community Contributions Good Governance & Shareholder Alignment Diversity, Inclusion & Well-Being Climate Action Transparency & Guiding Principles Appendices 47 RGMP Policy Measures Description of Implementation Training. Franco-Nevada will conduct training sessions to promote the understanding of: Franco-Nevada’s obligations and Initial RGMP training for Franco-Nevada employees covering the training subject matter set out in the RGMP Policy took place objectives under the RGMPs, internal systems and processes in place to conform to such obligations and objectives, and the in November 2020, with two subsequent training sessions for new hires being held in December 2021 and November 2022. progress made and to be made by Franco-Nevada in conforming to such obligations and objectives. Such training sessions All of our employees attended one of the training sessions and provided a written acknowledgement of their participation will be conducted for employees every three years, with the exception of new employees who will receive such training during in the training session. All of our employees also provided a separate annual written acknowledgement of their understanding the calendar year that they join Franco-Nevada. of the RGMPs and Franco-Nevada’s RGMP obligations and commitments. Due Diligence. Franco-Nevada will identify and record RGMP implementation and conformance when evaluating new We have developed an ESG due diligence checklist used for evaluating our royalty and stream opportunities, which includes mining investments, including whether the applicable miner is a WGC member and/or has adopted the RGMPs or whether an assessment of the applicability of the WGC and RGMPs to the miner, including the membership by the miner in the WGC, the RGMPs are not applicable to the miner (e.g. if the operator is a diversified mineral producer). If the miner has adopted the adoption of the RGMPs by the miner, and the stage of implementation and conformance with the RGMPs by the miner. the RGMPs, Franco-Nevada will identify and record the stage of implementation of and conformance with the RGMPs at the A summary of such assessment is included in the final memorandum in connection with the opportunity submitted for applicable mining operation. final approval to the Franco-Nevada Board of Directors or, if within management’s authority to approve such transaction, the executive committee. In 2022, we included such assessment in all final memorandums submitted for final approval. External Consultants. When Franco-Nevada engages technical, ESG or other third-party consultants to assist Franco-Nevada New external consultants engaged during 2022 verified in their consulting agreements that they are familiar with the RGMPs, with its evaluation of new mining investments, Franco-Nevada will ensure that the consultants are familiar with the RGMPs and the RGMP requirements for capital and finance providers, and Franco-Nevada’s commitments thereto. understand Franco-Nevada’s commitments thereunder and Franco-Nevada will obtain a written acknowledgement from the consultants verifying their awareness. Contractual Provisions. Franco-Nevada will endeavour to negotiate appropriate contractual provisions when making new In all new instances where we contracted with Gold Miners in 2022, we were successful in including RGMP-related contractual investments with a view to having gold miners (“Gold Miners”) use commercially reasonable efforts to adopt (or to continue to provisions in our royalty or stream agreement with them. adopt and implement) the RGMPs and to ensure that the Gold Miners provide sufficient transparency to facilitate Franco-Nevada’s assessment of the compliance by the Gold Miners with any agreed contractual provisions. Monitoring. After each new royalty or stream acquisition in respect of a mining operation, Franco-Nevada will monitor In our internal asset summaries for all new mining royalty or stream acquisitions made in 2022 (irrespective of whether such whether the miner has adopted the RGMPs, the stage of implementation of and conformance with the RGMPs, and any acquisitions related to gold or other mining operations), we have recorded whether the applicable miner is a WGC member material issues disclosed by the miner regarding such implementation and conformance. and, if so, whether such miner has adopted the RGMPs and the stage of implementation of, and conformance with, the RGMPs. Transparency. On an annual basis, Franco-Nevada will publicly report on the status of its conformance to its RGMP This segment of our ESG Report comprises our reporting in relation to our RGMP Policy implementation. commitments and the measures described in our RGMP Policy. Assurance Statement Although there is no obligation in the RGMPs for royalty and streaming companies to arrange for “As a royalty and stream company, we are committed to... external assurance for their RGMP commitments, Franco-Nevada engaged the services of an use our best endeavours to encourage adoption of the RGMPs assurance provider, KPMG LLP (“KPMG”), to provide limited assurance on our description at all operations where we have influence and, to the extent of implementation against specific RGMP Policy measures set out in the table above. KPMG’s applicable, ensure conformance with the RGMPs for any gold Independent Limited Assurance Report is included in Appendix G to this ESG Report. mining operations over which we have direct control.”