Responsible Capital Allocation Community Contributions Good Governance & Shareholder Alignment Diversity, Inclusion & Well-Being Climate Action Transparency & Guiding Principles Appendices 15 Biodiversity (continued) Agnico Eagle: Detour Lake, Ontario The Detour Lake mine continues to expand Each year, with the help of trained ecologists, its progressive reclamation program to include the Detour Lake mine conducts a seed collection new areas of focus and research. In addition to program to harvest and process native seeds the ongoing native plant revegetation research, for most deciduous species on the mine site. tailings and test cover programs, and lichen and These seeds are then added to a “seed bank” soil biological crust restoration projects, the team which is pulled from every year to plant and has included studies using mycorrhizal fungi to sprout saplings in a greenhouse before shipping help improve tree seedling survival, as well as them to site to plant as part of the site’s an expansion of the lichen transplant trials from progressive reclamation program. greenhouse scale up to a field transplant trial. Efforts also continue to support the preservation The operation progressively reclaims completed of the Woodland Caribou by means of ongoing rock storage facility areas, including earthworks aerial surveys and telemetry collaring programs, and revegetation. The mine has also developed and direct habitat restoration. The West Detour a 3D immersive virtual model to help visualize Project expansion is currently being planned what the site will look like at closure. to make sure Woodland Caribou’s calving areas Sea Turtle Conservancy turtle release, Panama are considered. First Quantum: Cobre Panama, Panama Cobre Panama lies within the Mesoamerican Minera Panama has committed to reforestation Biological Corridor of the Panama Atlantic of 10,475 hectares (7,375 hectares outside the (“MBCPA”) and the Golfo de los Misquitos Forests mine footprint and 3,100 hectares within the Important Bird Area. The region supports very mine footprint). The company has also committed high biodiversity and is also home to the Santa to implementing a number of species level Fe and Omar Torrijos National Parks. management plans. These have been developed with the aim of addressing the management First Quantum, through its subsidiary Minera needs of individual species for which the protected Panama, S.A. (“Minera Panama”), has committed areas and reforestation plans may not be sufficient. to support three protected areas in the MBCPA. Each species action plan describes a portfolio of Following the creation of the Cobre Panama actions aimed at ensuring a net positive impact Foundation in 2019, Minera Panama and the on species viability. Minera Panama is currently Ministry for the Environment have now signed a partnered with the Smithsonian Tropical long-term agreement to continue to support the Research Institute of Tropical Investigations protected areas around MBCPA. The areas are (amphibian rescue), the Sea Turtle Conservancy the Santa Fe National Park (72,636 hectares), (sea turtles), the Peregrine Fund (Harpy Eagles), Omar Torrijos National Park (25,275 hectares) Missouri Botanical Gardens (plant life), and Wildlife at Detour Lake Mine, Ontario and a protected area to be established in the Yaguara (jaguars). District of Donoso and its coastal marine zone (more than 150,000 hectares).