Responsible Capital Allocation Community Contributions Good Governance & Shareholder Alignment Diversity, Inclusion & Well-Being Climate Action Transparency & Guiding Principles Appendices 49 About this ESG Report Scope ESG rating agencies and other stakeholders. Forward Looking Information For additional information with respect to risks, This ESG Report includes information about Please refer to page 26 of this ESG Report for a Certain statements made in this ESG Report uncertainties and assumptions, please refer Franco-Nevada Corporation and its subsidiaries summary of the ways in which we engage with contain “forward looking information” and to Franco-Nevada’s most recent Annual (“Franco-Nevada”, the “company”, “we”, “us” or our stakeholders and their key topics of interest “forward looking statements” within the meaning Information Form filed with the Canadian “our”). Unless otherwise specified in this ESG in 2022. We actively collaborate with industry of applicable Canadian securities laws and the securities regulatory authorities on www.sedar. Report, reference to “Franco-Nevada”, the leaders through our involvement with the World United States Private Securities Litigation Reform com and Franco-Nevada’s most recent Annual “company”, “we”, “us” or “our” refers to our Gold Council and other industry associations. Act of 1995, respectively. Such forward looking Report filed on Form 40-F filed with the SEC entire corporate structure and global Through these various discussions and statements reflect management’s current beliefs on The forward looking statements operations and workforce. collaborations, we identify our ESG priorities, and assumptions and are based on information in this ESG Report are made as of the date which are reflected in our corporate policies, currently available to management. Often, but indicated and Franco-Nevada does not assume This ESG Report complements but does not in our corporate goals, targets and initiatives, not always, forward looking statements can be any obligation to update or revise them to reflect form part of our most recent Annual Report, and in this ESG Report. identified by the use of words such as “plans”, new information, estimates or opinions, future Management Information Circular, and Annual “expects”, “is expected”, “budgets”, “potential for”, events or results or otherwise, except as required Information Form available at www.franco- Reporting Period “scheduled”, “estimates”, “forecasts”, “predicts”, by applicable law. This ESG Report does not and filed with the Canadian All data and examples contained in this ESG “projects”, “intends”, “targets”, “aims”, “anticipates” constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation for an securities regulatory authorities on www.sedar. Report reflect activities undertaken during the or “believes” or variations (including negative offer to purchase any security in any jurisdiction. com or with the Securities and Exchange 2022 fiscal year, unless otherwise noted. variations) of such words and phrases or may Commission on be identified by statements to the effect that ESTMA certain actions “may”, “could”, “should”, “would”, Certain information is based on the public Franco-Nevada supports efforts to increase “might” or “will” be taken, occur or be achieved. disclosure of our operators and has not been transparency and accountability in the mining Forward looking statements involve known and independently verified by Franco-Nevada. and energy industries. Please refer to Franco- unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, Nevada’s enrollment under Extractive Sector which may cause the actual results, performance Materiality Transparency Measures Act (“ESTMA”): or achievements of Franco-Nevada to be The ESG topics and issues described in this ESG materially different from any future results, Report are those that we have identified as most performance or achievements expressed or important to our shareholders and our other Currency implied by the forward looking statements. stakeholders. Our processes to assess the All amounts in this document are in U.S. dollars Many factors could cause actual events or results materiality of ESG issues for our company unless otherwise noted. to differ materially from any forward looking involve routine strategy meetings between statement. Franco-Nevada cannot assure management and our Board of Directors. We Feedback investors that actual results will be consistent also engage regularly with our shareholders We would like to hear what you think about with these forward looking statements. and other stakeholders to determine whether our ESG Report or any aspect of our ESG and Accordingly, investors should not place our ESG strategy and efforts are aligned with sustainability efforts. Please send any questions undue reliance on forward looking statements the key concerns and priorities of our employees, or comments to [email protected]. due to the inherent uncertainty therein. directors, shareholders, community members,