Responsible Capital Allocation Community Contributions Good Governance & Shareholder Alignment Diversity, Inclusion & Well-Being Climate Action Transparency & Guiding Principles Appendices 44 TCFD, SASB, and GRI Our 2023 ESG Report Task Force on Climate-related Sustainability Accounting Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Standards Board (SASB) Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) leverages reporting frameworks and standards The TCFD seeks to develop consistent Using the Sustainable Industry Classification GRI is an international independent such as the Task Force on climate-related financial risk disclosures System® (SICS®), which was created by SASB standards organization with the world’s for companies in their financial and to group like companies based on their most widely adopted sustainability Climate-related Financial sustainability reporting. The TCFD considers sustainability-related risks and opportunities, standards, which helps companies identify, the physical, liability and transition risks SASB has established industry-specific gather and report this information in a clear Disclosures (TCFD), associated with climate change and what standards for the recognition and disclosure and comparable manner. The standards constitutes effective financial disclosures. of financially material environmental, social cover relevant topics across the economic, Sustainable Accounting Both the Canadian Securities Administrators and governance impacts, which are geared environmental and social dimensions. and the Securities and Exchange towards investors and capital providers. Organizations select from among these to Standards Board (SASB), Commission have recently proposed The standards are designed to generate report on their significant impacts, which climate-related disclosure requirements standardized and comparable data that is can either be implemented into a and the Global Reporting aligned with the TCFD. useful for investors and typically quantitative. standalone report or can be indexed. Initiative (GRI). The climate disclosure included in this year’s This marks our company’s third consecutive This is our company’s first year aligning with ESG Report, including in Appendix C, is our year of disclosure aligned with the SASB the GRI standards. Appendix E includes an third consecutive year of reporting aligned framework, which disclosure is included index, which maps our disclosure, including with the TCFD framework. in Appendix D. in our ESG Report, to the GRI standards.