Overview Asset Type P&P (000s) M&I4 (000s) Inf (000s) Asset Rest of World MWS Stream 18 18 – Sabodala Stream 60 111 31 Tasiast NSR 101 140 30 Subika (Ahafo) NSR 63 66 12 Karma Stream 6 74 26 Duketon NSR 17 31 10 Edikan NSR 12 25 4 Matilda (Wiluna) NSR 12 72 128 South Kalgoorlie NSR 12 46 31 Kiziltepe NSR 2 3 2 Sissingué NSR – – – Pandora NPI 18 154 19 Precious Metals Yandal (Bronzewing) NSR 20 36 5 Aphrodite NSR 8 29 13 Rebecca NSR – 17 4 Séguéla NSR 7 9 1 Perama Hill NSR 20 27 16 Ağ i Dağ i NSR 23 44 6 Bullabulling NSR – 11 5 Glenburgh NPI – 2 – 1,2 DIVERSIFIED ROYALTY OUNCES 3 Mining Vale (Northern & Southeastern System) Other 797 1,094 63 Sossego Other 3 20 1 LIORC Other 165 296 124 NuevaUnión (Relincho) NSR 248 346 141 Diver Taca Taca NSR 356 433 99 sified Assets Falcondo NPI 68 77 5 Copper World Project NSR 156 380 66 Caserones NSR 51 80 8 Robinson NSR 5 18 1 Ring of Fire NSR – 188 53 Eagle's Nest NSR – 12 8 Crawford NSR 473 754 465 Mt Keith NSR/NPI 14 33 4 Refer to footnotes on page 20 Mineral Resources and Mineral Reser ROYALTY OUNCES BY MINERAL RESOURCE, 1 LOCATION AND TYPE 2 2 Royalty Ounces by M&I Royalty Ounces by M&I Royalty Ounces by MINERAL RESOURCE CATEGORY LOCATION TYPE ves P&P 37% South America 48% NSR 58% M&I 39% Central America Stream 28% Inferred 24% and Mexico 5% NPI 4% United States 16% Other 10% Canada 24% Rest of World 7% Additional Inf or mation 1 Cobre Panama, currently on preservation and safe management, is not included in the above calculations 2 M&I Royalty Ounces include P&P Royalty Ounces TSX / NYSE: FNV Franco-Nevada Corporation ★ 21