Additional Information MINE LIFE INDEX Franco-Nevada’s asset portfolio is comprised of a large variety Mine Life 1 1 of properties and operations with a range of projected production profiles. Based on P&P Based on M&I (inclusive of The chart (opposite) provides an estimated mine life index for some P&P) of the producing and advanced assets with published Mineral Resource Precious Metals – South America and Mineral Reserve estimates. For each asset, management has estimated a mine life index by dividing the Proven and Probable Mineral Candelaria Reserves as well as the Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources Antapaccay (inclusive of Mineral Reserves) by management’s best estimate of the Antamina average annual forward looking production. Franco-Nevada has not Cerro Moro included any Inferred Mineral Resources in the analysis. This metric Mara Rosa is to provide investors and analysts with an indication of the potential Salares Norte for the assets in which Franco-Nevada has interests and should not 3 Precious Metals – Central America and Mexico be viewed as a definitive mine life estimate. Guadalupe-Palmarejo In an effort to provide a more accurate picture for the mine life index Precious Metals – United States of the overall portfolio, Franco-Nevada has divided its total M&I Royalty Stillwater Ounces (inclusive of Mineral Reserves) by the midpoint of its 2024 Carlin Trend2 Precious Metal and Diversified Mining production guidance. The average Marigold mine life index of the mining portfolio using this methodology is Bald Mountain approximately 34 years. Mesquite For our energy assets, Franco-Nevada receives a variety of third-party Castle Mountain reports estimating our reserves and resources for oil, gas and natural Stibnite Gold gas liquids. We have calculated the asset lives of our assets by dividing Precious Metals – Canada the total reserves for each asset by the prior year annual production Detour Lake volume. The estimates are based on Proven and Probable reserves for Hemlo our Canadian assets and Proven, Probable and Possible reserves for our Brucejack U.S. assets (excluding our venture with Continental Resources). On that Kirkland Lake basis our Canadian assets have an estimated aggregate asset life Dublin Gulch (Eagle) of approximately 22 years and our U.S. assets have an estimated Musselwhite aggregate asset life of 23 years. Timmins West Canadian Malartic Island Gold Greenstone Magino Valentine Gold Precious Metals – Rest of World Sabodala-Massawa Complex Tasiast Séguéla Subika (Ahafo) Duketon Edikan Diversi昀椀ed 4 (Northern and Southeastern System) Vale LIORC5 Years – 5 10 15 20 1 Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves used in the Mine Life Index calculation are based on publicly disclosed information as of March 8, 2024 2 Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves used for Carlin Trend in the Mine Life Index re昀氀ect Franco-Nevada management’s best estimate of Goldstrike, Gold Quarry and South Arturo only 3 Cobre Panama, currently on preservation and safe management, is not included in the above calculations 4 Mine life as disclosed by Vale S.A in their latest 20-F and exhibits. Mine life represents longest disclosed mine life 5 Mine life as disclosed by LIORC in their most recent annual report, based on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves only TSX / NYSE: FNV Franco-Nevada Corporation ★ 127