ADVANCED AND EXPLORATION NEWS 27 Construction Updates Salares Norte Chile Construction nearing completion. First production expected end of Q4 2023. Magino Ontario Construction 80% complete. First production expected H1 2023. Séguéla Côte d’Ivoire Construction 90% complete. First production expected mid-2023. Greenstone (Hardrock) Ontario Construction 66% complete. First production expected H1 2024. Posse (Mara Rosa) Brazil Construction 50% complete. First production expected H1 2024. SALARES NORTE Tocantinzinho Brazil Construction on schedule. First production expected H2 2024. Valentine Gold Newfoundland Construction 7% complete. First production expected Q1 2025. NSR reduced from 2% to 1.5% following buy-back in February 2023. Development Updates EskayCreek British Columbia New discoveries at Eskay Deeps and east of Zone 22. Franco-Nevada acquired additional 0.5% NSR in December 2022, increasing total NSR to 1.5%. Stibnite Gold Idaho Draft Record of Decision expected by early 2024. Perpetua Resources awarded up to $24.8M by U.S. Dept of Defense for production of critical minerals. GREENSTONE (HARDROCK) Cascabel Ecuador Cascabel Reserves declared and Tadayama-America Resource expanded. SolGold and Cornerstone Capital merger completed. Copper World Arizona PFS for Copper World Phase 1 expected in mid-2023 with FS activities expected to begin in 2024. Recent drilling increased extent of mineralization at Bolsa deposit. Exploration Updates Crawford Nickel Ontario M&I Resource doubled. FS expected H1 2023. New discovery at Reid/Improved recoveries from pilot plant testing. Anglo American equity investment. Fenelon/Martinière Québec Fenelon and Martinière resource updated January 2023, Fenelon PEA expected in 2023. Additional gold mineralized zones outside of current Mineral Resource estimate. ESKAY CREEK Spences Bridge British Columbia Exploration success at Skoonka Creek and Shovelnose. Indicated timing based on operator guidance