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UN GLOBAL COMPACT AND SDGS 44 Message from our CEO Report Highlights About Franco-Nevada Responsible Capital Allocation Community Contributions Good Governance and Shareholder Alignment Diversity, Inclusion In early April 2020, we joined the United In September 2020, we joined 1000+ Initiatives across our business help advance and Well-Being Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest businesses from more than 100 countries a number of the Sustainable Development Climate Action corporate sustainability initiative with over in demonstrating our support for the United Goals (SDGs), which were adopted by the “Initiatives across our 21,000 corporate participants in 162 countries. Nations and inclusive multilateralism by signing United Nations in 2015 as a universal call business help advance a The Global Compact is based on ten principles the Statement from Business Leaders for to action to end poverty, protect the planet, Transparency and organized around four themes (human rights, Renewed Global Cooperation. The full list and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy number of the Sustainable Guiding Principles labour, environmental and anti-corruption) and of signatories can be found here: peace and prosperity. In Appendix F, for the Development Goals (SDGs), is intended to promote responsible business second consecutive year, we provide disclosure TCFD, SASB, and GRI practices and the United Nations’ values ungc-communications-assets.s3. as to Franco-Nevada’s initiatives that are aligned which were adopted by UN Global Compact and SDGs among the global business community. with and support the SDGs. the United Nations in 2015 UN75_UnitingBusinessStatement.pdf Responsible Gold Mining The UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles as a universal call to action Principles are derived from: the Universal Declaration As part of our Global Compact commitment, to end poverty, protect the ESG Ratings and Recognition of Human Rights, the International Labour we have completed our Communication on Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Progress for 2023 describing the practical planet, and ensure that About this ESG Report Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration actions that we have taken and the qualitative by 2030 all people enjoy on Environment and Development, and the and quantitative results of our company Appendices United Nations Convention Against Corruption. in furtherance of the ten principles. Our peace and prosperity. “ Communication on Progress is available on the UN Global Compact website.

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