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Message from our CEO APPENDIX D: SASB DISCLOSURE 72 Report Highlights Transparent Information FN-AC-270a.3 About Franco-Nevada & Fair Advice for Customers Description of approach to informing customers about products and services Responsible FN-AC-270a.1 Capital Allocation (1) Number and (2) percentage of covered As indicated above, as a royalty and streaming employees with a record of investment-related company, we do not have customers, products investigations, consumer-initiated complaints, or services in a traditional sense. Rather, Community private civil litigations, or other regulatory our primary focus relates to our approach Contributions proceedings to communicating with and informing Franco- Nevada’ shareholders about our business. Good Governance and Franco-Nevada Corporation and its subsidiaries Refer to page 25 of this ESG Report, which Shareholder Alignment are not brokerages or dealers and our business describes our process of engaging, and employees are not subject to FINRA, communicating and collaborating with our SRO and related rules, regulations or filing shareholders and other stakeholders. Diversity, Inclusion requirements. Accordingly, we did not have and Well-Being any “covered employees”, as such term is Employee Diversity & Inclusion In the continuously evolving ESG landscape, assigned classification is, in our view, the defined in the SASB Standards, in the reporting Climate Action we are committed to providing transparency most appropriate for our business model period (fiscal 2023). Notwithstanding, we are FN-AC-330a.1 in our sustainability reporting by providing of the available SICS sectors and industries. aligned with the SASB disclosure standards Percentage of gender and racial/ethnic group Transparency and meaningful information to our shareholders Notwithstanding, certain SASB accounting having disclosed the number (nil) and representation for (1) executive management, Guiding Principles and continuing to enhance our disclosure, metrics applicable to investment managers, percentage (0%) of all of our employees (2) non-executive management, (3) professionals, including with the following, which is our dealers, brokers and custodians are not with a record of investigations, complaints, and (4) all other employees company’s fourth consecutive year aligning applicable to Franco-Nevada’s business litigations, or other regulatory proceedings. About this ESG Report with the Sustainability Accounting Standards as a royalty and streaming company. In Also refer to Appendix A to this ESG Report Quantitative Summary of Racial/ Board (“SASB”) framework. accordance with SASB’s “report or explain” for further information. Ethnic and Gender Representation Appendices framework, we have endeavoured to explain The racial/ethnic group and gender SASB created the Sustainable Industry why certain standards are not applicable FN-AC-270a.2 representation among our company’s A: ESG Performance Table Classification System® (SICS®) to group to our company and information has been Total amount of monetary losses as a result of workforce (consisting of 40 employees in B: Operators’ Emissions like companies based on their sustainability- modified or omitted. legal proceedings associated with marketing four offices) is included in the tables on the related risks and opportunities. As of the and communication of financial product-related following page. Also refer to pages 28 and C: TCFD Disclosure date of this ESG Report, Franco-Nevada is All disclosure included or referenced below is information to new and returning customers 50 of this ESG Report for further information. D: SASB Disclosure classified in the “Financials” Primary SICS being provided for Franco-Nevada Corporation E: GRI Index Sector and the “Asset Management & Custody and our subsidiaries (collectively, “we”, “us”, Franco-Nevada does not have customers Diversity and Inclusion Policies, Activities” Primary SICS Industry. While the “our”, “Franco-Nevada”, the “Company”, or akin to a typical investment dealer, broker Programs and Initiatives F: Sustainable SICS “Extractives & Minerals Processing” the “Corporation”). Such information is as or custodian. Notwithstanding, we are aligned For a detailed description of our policies, Development Goals classification may appear to be appropriate, of, or for the year-ended December 31, 2023 to the SASB disclosure standards having programs and initiatives for fostering diversity G: KPMG: Independent its accounting metrics are geared towards unless otherwise noted. The inclusion of disclosed the monetary losses (nil) as a result and inclusion across our global operations, Limited Assurance Report mining and energy operators and producers information contained in this disclosure of legal proceedings (nil) associated with refer to pages 28-30 of this ESG Report. and not royalty and streaming companies should not be construed as a characterization marketing and communication of any and all H: Carbon Neutral Initiative that are not involved in operations. The regarding the materiality or financial impact information generally. Also refer to Appendix A “Asset Management & Custody Activities” of that information. to this ESG Report for further information.

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