Responsible Capital Allocation Community Contributions Good Governance & Shareholder Alignment Diversity, Inclusion & Well-Being Climate Action Transparency & Guiding Principles Appendices 29 Diversity and Inclusion Diversity and Inclusion Policy We are committed to diversity among our employees, executive officers and on our Board Women Visible Minorities Diverse Persons and have made meaningful progress over in Senior Management in Senior Management in Senior Management the past few years in improving our diversity practices and policies and increasing the number of Diverse Persons within our company. Our Diversity and Inclusion Policy emphasizes 2 of 14 6 of 14 6 of 14 all forms of diversity in identifying candidates or 14.3% or 42.9% or 42.9% to recommend for appointment/election to the Board and for appointment/promotion to senior management positions. Diverse candidates must be included in any search for new Board members and senior management positions, including for any new roles established by our company (including internal promotions). The Diversity and Women Visible Minorities Diverse Persons Inclusion Policy provides for the following goals: in Global Workforce in Global Workforce in Global Workforce • maintaining a Board composition in which at least 30% of the independent directors are women; • achieving, by 2025, and thereafter maintaining, 40% Diverse Persons at 17 of 40 18 of 40 24 of 40 the Board and senior management level or 42.5% or 45.0% or 60.0% (on an aggregated basis), and • achieving, by 2025, and thereafter maintaining, a Board composition in which at least one independent director is a Diverse Person on grounds broader than gender diversity. “We... have made meaningful progress over the past few years in improving Related Policies and Statements: our diversity practices and policies and increasing the number of Diverse • Diversity and Inclusion Policy Persons within our company.”