Responsible Capital Allocation Community Contributions Good Governance & Shareholder Alignment Diversity, Inclusion & Well-Being Climate Action Transparency & Guiding Principles Appendices 74 BIPOC* Other N/A** ESG Considerations in Due Diligence Process ESG Policies and Committee Charters We believe that proper consideration of ESG risks Refer to following policies and committee charters Senior Executive Management (5 - CEO, CFO, CLO, SVPs) 2 3 0 in connection with the companies, projects and (each available on our website) that govern the Other Executive Management (9 - President (FNB), VPs) 4 5 0 jurisdictions in which we seek to deploy capital incorporation of ESG factors in our investment will enhance long-term performance of our decisions and other aspects of our business: Non-Executive Management (5 - Directors, Controller) 1 4 0 company and in turn generate real value for • Investment Principles Policy (Environmental, All Other Employees (21) 11 10 0 our shareholders. Accordingly, we conduct a Social and Governance) – sets out our rigorous review of ESG issues and risks during commitment to responsible investing Total 18 22 0 our due diligence process when evaluating and further describes our approaches to * BIPOC = Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour all royalty and stream opportunities. As each integrating ESG factors in our acquisition ** N/A = not available or not disclosed opportunity varies considerably based upon and asset management processes; the commodity-type, jurisdiction, nature of • Responsible Gold Mining Principles Policy Female Male N/A* the royalty or stream interest (e.g. whether - sets out our RGMP-related commitments Senior Executive Management (5 - CEO, CFO, CLO, SVPs) 0 5 0 such interest relates to a historical third-party in respect of our acquisitions and other arrangement or is being newly created), among aspects of our business; Other Executive Management (9 - President (FNB), VPs) 2 7 0 other things, we apply a flexible approach to our • Climate Action Policy – sets out our Non-Executive Management (5 - Directors, Controller) 1 4 0 ESG due diligence review and frequently rely on climate-related commitments with respect local ESG consultants for their expert guidance. to our investment decisions and further All Other Employees (21) 14 7 0 Please refer to page 6 of this ESG Report, which describes our approaches to integrating Total 17 23 0 describes our due diligence process, including climate-related factors in our acquisition specific ESG factors assessed, when making and asset management processes; * N/A = not available or not disclosed investment decisions. • Compensation and ESG Committee Charter – specifies such committee’s oversight over Mitigating ESG Risks our company’s approach to ESG issues, the Incorporation of ESG Factors under management in respect of securities in Contractual Arrangements adequacy of our ESG practices and policies, in Investment Management portfolios supervised or managed by investment In order to mitigate ESG risks, when negotiating the adoption of any ESG-related standards & Advisory advisors is not applicable to our Company and all new acquisitions we endeavour to include or initiatives, adopts ESG-related corporate such information is not included in our disclosure. provisions to afford our company with access goals used to evaluate management’s FN-AC-410a.1 to ongoing reporting in respect of a project, performance for executive compensation Amount of assets under management, by asset Please refer to our responses to the following audit and inspection rights, and security and decisions and the engagement with class, that employ (1) integration of environmental, SASB accounting metric (FN-AC-410a.2) for remedies. Additionally, we include operating stakeholders in respect of ESG issues; and social, and governance (ESG) issues, (2) sustainability our approach to incorporating ESG factors covenants (e.g. requirement of operators • Audit and Risk Committee Charter themed investing, and (3) screening in our investment processes and strategies, to conduct operations in accordance with – specifies such committee’s oversight which are conducted in all of our new royalty responsible practices and applicable law) and over risk management, including ESG As a royalty and stream company, we do not and stream acquisitions. transfer restrictions intended to ensure that and climate change risks, the review of exercise control over or have direct influence we remain partnered with a responsible actors our principal risks and exposures, and on the projects over which we have an interest. FN-AC-410a.2 when it comes to ESG-related issues. Refer to the effective management, monitoring We do not have any “assets under management”, Description of approach to incorporation of page 7 of this ESG Report, which describes in and control of such risks by reviewing as defined by SASB, and we do not provide environmental, social, and governance (ESG) further detail these contractual protections. management’s assessment of the significant supervisory or management services in respect factors in investment and/or wealth management risks and exposures impacting our company, of any of our acquisitions. Consequently, this processes and strategies including ESG and climate change risks. quantitative SASB standard relating to assets