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Responsible Capital Allocation Community Contributions Good Governance & Shareholder Alignment Diversity, Inclusion & Well-Being Climate Action Transparency & Guiding Principles Appendices 76 Appendix E: GRI Index GRI Standard Location GRI Standard Location General Disclosures (GRI 2) 2-11 Chair of the highest • Corporate Governance governance body 2023 Management Information Circular: 2-1 Organizational details • About Franco-Nevada • Statement of Governance Practices (page 25) 2023 Annual Information Form: 2-12 Role of the highest • Corporate Governance • The Corporation (page 3) governance body • Due Diligence Process 2-2 Entities included • About Franco-Nevada in overseeing the • Responsible Gold Mining Principles in the organization’s • About this ESG Report management • Appendix C: TCFD Disclosure (Governance) sustainability reporting of impacts 2023 Management Information Circular: 2-3 Reporting period, • About this ESG Report • Statement of Governance Practices (page 25) frequency and 2-13 Delegation • Corporate Governance contact point of responsibility • Due Diligence Process 2-4 Restatements • No restatement of information from previous reports for managing • Appendix C: TCFD Disclosure (Governance) of information impacts 2023 Management Information Circular: 2-5 External assurance • Assurance Statement • Corporate Goal - ESG (page 59) • Appendix G: KPMG: Independent Limited Assurance Report 2-14 Role of the highest • Corporate Governance 2-6 Activities, value chain • About Franco-Nevada governance body in • Due Diligence Process and other business • Due Diligence Process sustainability reporting • Appendix C: TCFD Disclosure (Governance) relationships • Supply Chain 2-15 Conflicts of interest • Integrity and Compliance 2023 Annual Information Form: 2023 Management Information Circular: • General Development of Franco-Nevada's Business (page 4) • Statement of Governance Practices (page 25) 2-7 Employees • Diversity, Inclusion & Well-Being 2-16 Communication • Integrity and Compliance • Appendix A: ESG Performance Table of critical concerns 2-8 Workers who • Diversity, Inclusion & Well-Being 2023 Management Information Circular: are not employees • Supply Chain • Statement of Governance Practices (page 25) 2-9 Governance structure • Corporate Governance 2-17 Collective knowledge • Information Security and composition • Appendix C: TCFD Disclosure (Governance) of the highest • Appendix A: ESG Performance Table governance body 2023 Management Information Circular: 2023 Management Information Circular: • Statement of Governance Practices (page 25) • Statement of Governance Practices (page 25) • Orientation and Continuing Education (page 33) 2-10 Nomination and • Corporate Governance • Skills Matrix (page 36) selection of the highest • Appendix C: TCFD Disclosure (Governance) • Board Assessment (page 39) governance body 2023 Management Information Circular: • Statement of Governance Practices (page 25)

2023 ESG Report | Franco-Nevada - Page 78 2023 ESG Report | Franco-Nevada Page 77 Page 79