Responsible Capital Allocation Community Contributions Good Governance & Shareholder Alignment Diversity, Inclusion & Well-Being Climate Action Transparency & Guiding Principles Appendices 37 Overall Carbon Footprint Franco-Nevada’s carbon footprint is comprised of emissions relating to our corporate offices as well as financed emissions, which are estimated Financed Emissions (2021) emissions based upon production attributable Corporate Emissions (2022) to our royalty and stream interests (referred Scope 3 to as “Financed Emissions”). Since 2020, our Investments corporate operations have been carbon neutral. (see page 42) We have accomplished this, and will continue Corporate Emissions and Financed Emissions to do so, through initiatives to reduce our 500 627,365 640,000 corporate GHG emissions and through the depicted below and adjacent are not to scale, with purchase of high quality carbon credits to total Financed Emissions being approximately 131,656 offset emissions that cannot be eliminated. 5,000 times Corporate Emissions 540,000 400 While it is important for us to be operationally 440,000 carbon neutral, we acknowledge that our own 300 total operational emissions are minimal relative to the operations in which we invest and much 340,000 of our ability to have a positive impact on the climate relates to our engagement with and 200 Scope 3 495,709 Scope 2 Business Travel 240,000 support of our current operators and to our e)2 Electricity and Employee Scope 3 Scope 3 (tCO future capital allocation strategy. and Steam Commuting Office Supplies Water and Waste (tCO (see page 40) (see page 41) (see page 41) (see page 41) 2e) 100 140,000 50.4 59.6 20.6 3.6 Gross emissions 40,000 Gross emissions Offsets -4.5 Sequestered emissions -25.8 -60,000 -63.0 -74.5 -100 Purchased carbon offsets for 125% -160,000 of our Corporate Emissions Legend (see page 41) -252,924 -260,000 Emissions from Purchased carbon offsets corporate operations Sequestered emissions attributable to our Financed Emissions from Sequestered emissions Weyburn working and royalty interests mining interests from Weyburn working We do not reduce or set-off our Financed Emissions Financed Emissions from interest and royalties with such sequestered emissions energy interests (see page 18)