Responsible Capital Allocation Community Contributions Good Governance & Shareholder Alignment Diversity, Inclusion & Well-Being Climate Action Transparency & Guiding Principles Appendices 7 Ongoing Asset Management Royalty and stream agreements differ in many respects, but typically include the following types of provisions: Reporting Security & Obligations: Remedies: Our royalty and streaming agreements typically Streaming agreements afford us the ability contain a series of reporting obligations including to terminate and recover specific remedies upon the delivery of monthly and annual reports, a material breach of the contractual provisions updated mine plans, forecasts and other providing us with the flexibility to exit unsuitable documentation, which serve to keep us arrangements. In some instances, we have informed of operations. Operators are also security arrangements in respect of our royalty typically required to notify us of any material and stream interests (including share pledges, adverse changes to a project or its operations. account pledges, mortgages and corporate Upon a material adverse change occurring, guarantees), which would enable us to exert we maintain regular communication and offer influence in the event of bankruptcy, insolvency our guidance and expertise to the operators, or other event of a default. Such arrangements where appropriate. These reporting obligations provide additional protections to help address keep us informed of ESG-related issues material ESG risks. when they arise. (Left to Right): Matt Begeman (VP, Business Development), Eaun Gray (SVP, Business Development), Chris Bell (VP, Geology) and Phil Wilson (VP, Technical) Operating Audit & Transfer “...our royalty and streaming Covenants: Inspection Rights: Restrictions: agreements typically contain Given our business model, following our initial We are usually entitled to audit the books and Our royalty and streaming agreements certain operating covenants acquisition of royalties or streams, we are not records of the operators on a periodic basis may have restrictions that either (a) involved in our operators’ development and and may access and inspect the properties require our consent for the operator designed to ensure that operation of the applicable projects. However, comprising the project. These rights provide to transfer the project, or (b) otherwise our royalty and streaming agreements typically us further insight into the operations and establish the circumstances in which such operators are conducting contain certain operating covenants designed management by the operators. These provisions transfer is permissible. Such constraints to ensure that operators are conducting permit us to confirm compliance with the terms are intended to ensure we continue to be operations in accordance operations in accordance with applicable law of the agreements, including with covenants to partnered with a quality operator over the and responsible practices, including ESG-related comply with international tailings standards, life of the agreement and a responsible with applicable law and standards such as the RGMPs and ICMM, CIM and with applicable laws, including environmental actor when it comes to ESG-related issues. or TSM mining principles. laws and ESG-related industry standards. responsible practices...”