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Message from our CEO 15 Report Highlights About Franco-Nevada Responsible Capital Allocation Due Diligence Process Ongoing Asset Management Key ESG Factors Health and Safety Carbon Footprint Water Management and Risk Tailings Management Sea Turtle Conservancy turtle release in Panamá Shorebirds in Mauritania Biodiversity Supply Chain First Quantum: Cobre Panamá, Panamá Kinross: Tasiast, Mauritania Cobre Panamá lies within the Mesoamerican Minera Panamá has committed to reforestation Kinross’ Tasiast mine is located approximately In 2019, Kinross and the PNBA signed a Community Biological Corridor of the Panamá Atlantic of 11,175 hectares (8,075 hectares outside 65 km from Mauritania’s Banc d’Arguin National five-year partnership agreement to protect Contributions (“MBCPA”) and the Golfo de los Misquitos the mine footprint and 3,100 hectares within Park (PNBA). The PNBA is designated as a the universal value of the park through Forests Important Bird Area. The region the mine footprint). The company has also RAMSAR Convention wetland site and UNESCO environmental monitoring, conservation of Good Governance and supports very high biodiversity and is also committed to implementing a number of World Heritage site. It is the largest and richest biodiversity and support to projects for the Shareholder Alignment home to the Santa Fe and Omar Torrijos species level management plans as part coastal wetland between Europe and tropical traditional communities living within the park. National Parks. of the Biodiversity Action Plan. This plan Africa with over 12,000 km² of protected was developed during the construction and territory that is home to over two million birds Diversity, Inclusion First Quantum, through its subsidiary operational phases with key alliances such and a community of 1,500 people who live "In 2019, Kinross and the PNBA and Well-Being Minera Panamá, S.A. (“Minera Panamá”), as Yaguara, Kew Royal Botanical Gardens, in the National Park. Kinross’ Tasiast mine signed a 昀椀ve-year partnership has committed to support three protected Missouri Botanical Gardens and the is connected by power lines and water pipes agreement to protect the universal Climate Action areas in the MBCPA. Following the creation Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. to the sondage well field site, located 5 km value of the park through of the Cobre Panamá Foundation in 2019, These have been developed with the aim from the eastern boundary of the PNBA. Kinross Minera Panamá and the Ministry for the of addressing the management needs of maintained its Biodiversity Monitoring and environmental monitoring, Transparency and Environment signed a long-term agreement individual species for which the protected Evaluation Plan (BMEP) with a focus on bird conservation of biodiversity and Guiding Principles to continue to support the protected areas areas and reforestation plans may not be mortality risks arising from its power lines, support to projects for the around MBCPA. The areas are the Santa sufficient. Each species action plan describes for which bird mortality surveys completed traditional communities living About this ESG Report Fe National Park (78,000 hectares), Omar a portfolio of actions aimed at ensuring a net in late 2022 confirmed no excessive mortalities. within the park." Torrijos National Park (25,000 hectares) positive impact on species viability. Minera Appendices and a protected area to be established in Panamá is currently partnered with the Sea the District of Donoso and its coastal marine Turtle Conservancy (sea turtles) and the zone (more than 112,000 hectares). Peregrine Fund (harpy eagles).

ESG Report 2024 - Page 17 ESG Report 2024 Page 16 Page 18