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Message from our CEO BIODIVERSITY 14 Report Highlights Operators’ and operational impacts We track the environmental impacts of certain About Franco-Nevada Top Mining Producers Ranked: on biodiversity are carefully considered of our existing assets and seek to partner with World Benchmarking Alliance: Nature Benchmark, Ecosystems and Biodiversity ranking* by Franco-Nevada when deciding where operators to contribute to biodiversity-related to deploy capital (for further information, initiatives at projects where we have royalty Responsible Out of 97 Out of 389 please see the Due Diligence Process section). and stream interests. We have included on Capital Allocation global metals and global companies The ecological profile of a mining or energy these pages the World Benchmarking Alliance: mining companies from all industries company or project can be difficult to assess, Nature Benchmark, Ecosystems and Biodiversity Due Diligence Process as no two environments are the same, and rankings for our Top Mining Producers in 2023. Ongoing Asset Management 1 4 operators’ plans and actions may be difficult to quantify using universal standards or metrics. On the next page, we have also highlighted Key ESG Factors the performance and some of the biodiversity Health and Safety 8 25 Franco-Nevada reviews the potential impact commitments and initiatives by our Top Mining Carbon Footprint on biodiversity and ecosystems throughout Producers, including an in-depth look at three the lifecycle of a project, including preliminary of our Top Mining Assets, Cobre Panamá, Water Management and Risk 17 51 strategic assessments of biodiversity impacts Tasiast and Vale’s Northern and Southeastern Tailings Management caused by project development, life of Systems, which information is derived from project “no-net-loss” commitments to offset the most recent sustainability reports of Biodiversity 25 81 unavoidable impacts on biodiversity through First Quantum, Kinross and Vale, respectively. Supply Chain regional conservation activities, and plans 26 82 for site rehabilitation and reclamation upon Community project closures. Contributions 30 104 Good Governance and Our Top Mining Producers: Shareholder Alignment 54 198 Diversity, Inclusion % % % and Well-Being NR NR 70 60 50 • have formalized • have submitted • are members of the Climate Action commitments not to responses to the 2022 TNFD Forum and/or NR NR explore or mine in Carbon Disclosure plan on developing Transparency and World Heritage Sites Project (CDP) forests biodiversity frameworks • have commitments to questionnaire that incorporate Guiding Principles NR NR securing a net neutral or • are WGC and/or ICMM elements of the TNFD positive impact on members, which have About this ESG Report biodiversity at their biodiversity standards * The World Benchmarking Alliance is a United Nations organization launched in 2018 to ensure that business impact is operations and commitments for measured, in an effort to boost motivation and stimulate action for a sustainable future for everyone. The Ecosystems members Appendices and biodiversity measurement area assesses the extent to which companies understand their impacts and dependencies on nature as well as how they tackle their main pressures on ecosystems and biodiversity. It is composed of sixteen indicators covering topics such as land and sea use change, direct exploitation and invasive alien species.

ESG Report 2024 - Page 16 ESG Report 2024 Page 15 Page 17