Responsible Capital Allocation Community Contributions Good Governance & Shareholder Alignment Diversity, Inclusion & Well-Being Climate Action Transparency & Guiding Principles Appendices 31 Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives We are proud to have progressed the following diversity and inclusion initiatives during 2022 and year to date: Diversity Scholarship Franco-Nevada BlackNorth Initiative The Prosperity Project Diversity Scholarships The BlackNorth Initiative was created by The The Prosperity Project was established to In 2022, we grew the Franco-Nevada Diversity Canadian Council of Business Leaders Against help mitigate the disproportionate impact Scholarship, established in 2021 to promote Anti-Black Systemic Racism to combat anti-Black of COVID-19 on Canadian women who are being diversity in the mining industry, by expanding systemic racism in Corporate Canada. We became disproportionately affected and underscoring the program to four annual scholarship awards, a signatory to the BlackNorth Initiative pledge the economic importance of gender equality which were awarded during the year to diverse at its inaugural summit in July 2020. during the COVID-19 pre-recovery, recovery students attending mining engineering programs and post-recovery periods. at several Canadian universities. We also renewed Our pledge includes the following commitments: the annual scholarship awarded to the program’s (i) hire on average at least 5% within our student In early 2021, we became an Influence Level first recipient. workforce from the Black community; (ii) invest Partner of The Prosperity Project’s Annual Gender by 2025 at least 3.5% of corporate donations Diversity Data Tracking Initiative. The Initiative and sponsorships to promote investment and tracks women in board, executive officer roles, “In early 2023, we amended create economic opportunities in the Black and in the pipeline to executive officer roles community; and (iii) set numeric diversity in large public companies, Crown corporations, “...we exceeded our our Diversity and Inclusion goals for the representation of Diverse Persons, pension funds, co-operatives and Canadian including Black people, on our Board and among subsidiaries of foreign-owned public companies. donation and sponsorship Policy to include an senior management. The Initiative applies intersectional identities and inclusivity lenses in order to track the commitment donating additional diversity goal To date we have exceeded our student workforce representation of white and BIPOC women as commitment and, in 2022, we surpassed our well as women with disabilities at the leadership to four separate registered to achieve at least one donation and sponsorship commitment donating level over time and the progress being made to four separate registered Canadian charitable towards achieving gender parity. We renewed Canadian charitable Diverse Person on grounds organizations, supporting the Black community our support for The Prosperity Project for 2022. broader than gender in the areas of education, health, youth, and organizations, supporting business. In early 2023, we amended our Diversity Maureen Jensen, one of our Board members, the Black community diversity at the Board and Inclusion Policy to include an additional is a board member of The Prosperity Project and diversity goal to achieve at least one Diverse both Ms. Jensen and Jennifer Maki, another in the areas of education, level by 2025.” Person on grounds broader than gender member of our Board, are “Founding Visionaries” diversity at the Board level by 2025. of The Prosperity Project. health, youth, and business.”