Rest of World DUKETON Location: Australia | Operator: Regis Resources Ltd. | Precious Metals: Au | Royalty: NSR: 2% 2 Franco-Nevada has a 2% NSR royalty that covers 2,678 km of the Duketon gold project in Western Australia. 2023 2022 2021 Commercial production at Garden Well underground Revenue to Franco-Nevada ($ million) $ 12.0 $ 10.7 $ 11.1 Garden Well Main exploration decline complete M&I Resources (koz Au)1 1,850 4,120 3,950 Focus on underground reserve development Inferred Resources (koz Au)1 610 1,030 610 Open pit mining at Duketon North scheduled to end P&P Reserves (koz Au)1 950 1,400 1,990 at June 2024 M&I Royalty Ounces (000s)1,2 31 71 72 Inferred Royalty Ounces (000s)2 11 16 11 P&P Royalty Ounces (000s)2 17 25 37 1 Please refer to the tables on pages 118-124 for a breakout of grade and tonnages by Mineral Duketon Resource category; all M&I categories are inclusive of Mineral Reserves 2% NSR 2 For Royalty Ounce calculation, Franco-Nevada estimates 88% (88% in 2022, 93% in 2021) of Mineral Reserves and 84% of the Mineral Resources (86% in 2022, 91% in 2021) are subject to our royalty interest and estimates a rate of 2.0% is applicable 2% NSR The project is operated by Regis Resources Ltd. (“Regis”) and includes 0 N 30 eight operating mines and multiple satellite deposits at various stages of development. The royalty covers all known Mineral Resources and kilometer Mineral Reserves, except for the Gloster, Ben Hur and Anchor satellite * Additional royalty lands to south deposits and portions of the Erlistoun, Dogbolter and Petra satellite not shown due to scale. deposits. Regis reported production of 313,956 ounces of gold for 2023 and provided production guidance of 280,000 to 305,000 Diver ounces of gold for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. During 2023, approximately 96% of total Duketon production was subject sified Assets to Franco-Nevada’s royalty and a similar portion is expected in 2024. 2% NSR Duketon South Operations (“DSO”): Regis reported DSO production of 251,273 ounces of gold for calendar year 2023. All of DSO production was subject to Franco-Nevada’s royalty in 2023. DSO has five operating Gloster mines, with open pit mines at Garden Well, Ben Hur and Russell’s Find, Moolart Well along with underground mines at Rosemont and Garden Well. Franco- Nevada’s royalty covers all of DSO’s Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves, except for Ben Hur and a small portion of Erlistoun. DSO Petra Dogbolter production began in 2012 at Garden Well which has a 5 Mt per annum Mineral Resources and Mineral Reser plant. Rosemont has a 2.5 Mt per annum plant and milled ore from Rosemont is piped 10 km in a slurry form for leaching at Garden Well. Rosemont Ore from other satellite deposits is hauled to Garden Well for processing. Garden Well South Underground achieved commercial production in 2023. King John Garden Well Garden Well Main Underground exploration decline completed in 2023. Tooheys Well Russells Duketon North Operations (“DNO”): Regis reported DNO production Baneygo Find Reichelts of 62,683 ounces of gold for calendar year 2023. DNO had three Erlistoun Find operating mines in 2023 – Moolart Well, Gloster and Dogbolter. Moolart Well is covered by Franco-Nevada’s royalty, Gloster is outside the royalty BOLIVIA area, and Dogbolter is partly within the royalty area. The 2.5Mtpa mill N BRAZIL at Moolart Well has been in production since 2010. Approximately 80% PARAGUAY ves of DNO production was subject to Franco-Nevada’s royalty in 2023. Current Royalty Tenements All open pit mining at DNO will cease at June 2024. Original Royalty Tenements Port Hedland Exploration: Focus is underground reserve and resource development. Deposits Garden Well Main exploration decline completed.and exploration drilling Excluded from Royalty Duketon commenced. Rosemont Underground drilling continued to infill and Kalgoorlie Additional Inf extend higher grade lodes. Perth Kambalda Norseman or mation TSX / NYSE: FNV Franco-Nevada Corporation ★ 79