CORE PRECIOUS METAL STREAMS OUTPERFORMING 13 Antamina Cobre Panama $610M investment $1.36B investment 2022 revenue: $68M 2022 revenue: $223M Mine life potential1: 30+ years Minelife potential1: 35+ years 2 2 Payback : 73% Payback : 39% Silver production has exceeded Expanding to 100 Mtpa in 20234 expectations3 Antapaccay Candelaria $500M investment $655M investment 2022 revenue: $95M 2022 revenue: $126M Mine life potential1: 30+ years Mine life potential1: 25+ years 2 2 Payback : 113% Payback : 93% Coroccohuayco deposit to extend mine life UG exploration success has extended mine life5 1. Mine life potential includes Franco-Nevada assessment of resource conversion potential. Also assumes current or operator-forecasted production rates. Antamina potential assumes additional tailings capacity is permitted. Antapaccay potential 1. Design throughput was originally 58 Mtpa. First Quantum Minerals Ltd. and the Government of assumes open pit only scenario for Coroccohuayco project developed with a later Panama agreed to a draft concession contract in March which is subject to a public consultation start date process and certain additional Panamanian approvals. During the month, concentrate loading 2. As at December 31, 2022 and processing operations resumed to normal levels with all three trains operating 3. Based on FNV sales from inception of stream through Q4 2022 vs. acquisition 2. Mine life was 14 years in Technical Report dated July 28, 2014 guidance