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EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND WELL-BEING 31 Message from our CEO Report Highlights We strive to create an inclusive, safe, and 1,2 supportive environment for all our employees, Minimum and Living Wage and Franco-Nevada Employee Pay 1 All dollar figures are in USD (or converted to USD as About Franco-Nevada which includes opportunities for hybrid work, at December 31, 2023) and are on a per-hour basis. health benefits and wellness allowances, and Jurisdiction; % of Franco-Nevada 2 All information current as of December 31, 2023, 3 % of Full-Time Minimum Wage Living Wage FTE Pay Exceeding unless otherwise specified. Responsible robust workplace policies and practices. Employees (FTEs) (US$) (US$) Minimum and 3 A living wage is a measure intended to represent the in Jurisdiction Living Wage remuneration received by a worker in a particular location Capital Allocation Hybrid Work Arrangements Canada (Toronto, ON) sufficient to afford a decent standard of living for the 4 5 worker and their family. Elements of a decent standard The way in which we live and work has changed 67.5% $12.51 $18.94 100% Community significantly over the past several years. In of living include food, water, housing, education, health care, transportation, clothing, and other essential needs, Contributions many ways, the COVID-19 pandemic changed USA (Colorado) 6 7 including provision for unexpected events. 10% $14.42 $29.23 100% 4 Source: the way employees balance their work and employment-standards-act-0/minimum-wage Good Governance and personal lives. In 2023, we maintained a Barbados 5 Source: 8 9 6 hybrid office model and continue to support 20% $4.25 $8.90 100% Source: Shareholder Alignment our employees who require flexible and (as of January 1, 2024) Australia 7 Source: personalized work options. 10 11 (as of February 14, 2024) 2.5% $15.59 $15.91 100% Diversity, Inclusion 8 Source: and Well-Being Workplace Accommodations minimum-wage-national-and-sectoral-minimum-wage- We value the diverse representation of our order-2021/ 9 Source: Diversity and Inclusion workforce and seek to promote inclusivity Employee Pay Labour Rights and Standards living-wages/520300000/view Employee Benefits and remove barriers by accommodating our We are committed to ensuring that all of our We are committed to the fundamental labour 10 Source: employees where possible so that no individual employees receive salaries that significantly standards and rights at work set out in the minimum-wages and Well-Being 11 Calculated as 60% of median full-time adult ordinary is disadvantaged relative to other members exceed the minimum and living wages in the International Labour Organization’s Declaration time earnings. Source: Health, Safety and Security of our team. In 2022, we collaborated with applicable jurisdictions in which they work and on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. statistics/labour/earnings-and-working-conditions/ Human Rights, one of our employees in Toronto to modify that all such employees receive vacation pay, In accordance with our Human Rights Policy employee-earnings/aug-2023 Non-Discrimination, existing office space to accommodate sick pay and parental leave pay and other and as enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Anti-Harassment and for religious practices and observances benefits. The table above sets out the sources Rights and Freedoms, we are supportive of our company’s history. Notwithstanding, Equal Opportunity to be carried out during the work day. and methodologies used to determine minimum the fundamental freedoms of our employees we respect the right to collective bargaining and living wages in each of the four jurisdictions (and of all individuals), including the freedom (ILO C98), the protection of workers’ Climate Action Health and Wellness Benefits in which we have corporate offices in order to of thought, belief, opinion and expression, representatives and prevention of workers’ We provide our employees with comprehensive demonstrate that 100% of our global workforce the freedom of peaceful assembly and the representatives discrimination (ILO C135). Transparency and health and insurance benefits. Additionally, receives salaries that exceed both the minimum freedom of association. Guiding Principles 2023 marks our second year of our Wellness and living wages in those jurisdictions. In 2023, we adopted a new Disconnecting from Allowance Policy, which broadens the scope None of our employees are organized by Work Policy to formalize our commitment to About this ESG Report and increases the quantum of employees’ Related Policies a trade union or labour union and there are recognizing the importance of our employees’ wellness-related benefits to further support and Statements: no collective bargaining agreements in place ability to balance their work and personal lives, Appendices our employees and their families and allows • Wellness Allowance Policy in respect of our staff or company. As such, all while performing their duties to the best for more benefits flexibility. • Human Rights Policy there have been no strikes or lock-outs in of their abilities. • Disconnecting from Work Policy

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